Vital Wellness Centre

Exercise: Crab Pose

Feeling like you're stuck hunched over? Try this movement out!

This exercise is categorized as a strengthening exercise and a mobility exercise. 

Here’s what muscles are involved in this movement:

  • Rhomboids
  • Trapezius
  • Deltoid Group
  • Triceps
  • Abdominal Muscles
  • Gluteus
  • Erector Spinae Group
  • Latissimus Dorsi

This exercise doesn’t require any equipment – all you need is your body!

The goal of this movement is to both simultaneously mobilize the upper back and strengthen it.

 Are you stuck hunched over? Let’s go ahead and reverse that!

Well, not with just this one movement – and there’s nothing wrong with having classically bad posture when it comes to pain at least – function and aesthetics are a little different!

However, if you need help with a change of positions from your desk job, or whatever you do in your day-to-day life where you’re stuck looking down – try this pose!


While doing this exercise, make sure to keep these things in mind:

  • Keep your fingers facing away from you when you’re planting your hands down
  • Push your tummy up towards the sky and flex that core!
  • Relax your neck once you’re in position and let it fall down