Massage: Shoulder Pain Release
Pain in the side of your shoulder? It could be a muscle knot!
Muscles Involved
Related Conditions
This exercise is categorized as a muscle knot release.
Here’s what muscles are involved in this movement:
- Teres Major
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Teres Minor
This exercise doesn’t require any equipment – all you need is your body!
Here’s what this movement can help with:
- Shoulder Pain
- Rotator Cuff Pain Syndromes
- Frozen Shoulder
- Repetitive Use Syndrome
The goal of this movement is to release the muscle knot in the muscle known as the Teres Major, which can cause pain to radiate down side of the shoulder muscle known as the deltoid.
- Details
Don’t chase the pain!
It might not be where you think it is!
The diagram in the video is something worth paying extra attention to – X marks the spot!
Sometimes we have referral pain from muscle knots that are in regions that aren’t where your pain is.
If you have pain in the side of your shoulder – you may have muscle knot in a muscle called the Teres Major.
This is sometimes known as the “Lat’s Little Helper – since it does all the actions of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle.
🎯 Try getting rid of this muscle knot by 👌 pincer grasping the muscle underneath your armpit!
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