Vital Wellness Centre

Massage: Headache Release

Top of Head Pain? Try this Self-Massage Technique.

This exercise is categorized as a muscle knot release.

Here’s what muscles are involved in this movement:

  • Splenius Capitis
  • Splenius Cervicis
  • Occiptofrontalis

This exercise doesn’t require any equipment – all you need is your body!

The goal of this movement is to release a muscle knot in a muscle called the splenius capitis that can “refer” or send pain to other spots in your head – causing various pains.

Ready to learn some massage?

Headache be gone!

DIY this headache away with some easy SELF manual therapy!

The Splenius Capitis is a muscle in our neck that helps with loads of neck motions!

However, because of this day and age, it’s excessively easy for this muscle to overload itself and work too hard (kind of like the rest of our bodies) – making muscle knots prevalent.

These knots can refer pain into other parts of our bodies, like our heads!

Giving us tension headaches and symptoms of Migraines!

Try this out and see how it feels!