Vital Wellness Centre

Exercise: Archer Pulls

Unstiffen your back with this easy to-do exercise!

This exercise is categorized as a mobility exercise. 

Here’s what muscles are involved in this movement:

  • Rhomboids
  • Middle Trapezius Fibres
  • Deltoid (Posterior)
  • Triceps (Long Head)

This exercise doesn’t require any equipment – all you need is your body!

The goal of this movement is to increase the mobility of the upper back or thoracic spine.

Stiff Upper Back?

Try this super duper easy mobility exercise.

It’s called Archer Pulls, because it mimics the motion of someone drawing a bow.

However, unlike actual archery, there’s no equipment involved in this exercise.

All you need is your own body and a wall – which I’m sure you can find access to!

Because it’s so simple & easy – there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do it!

So no excuses – go ahead and try this now and let me know how it feels!