COVID-19 Precautions & Preventions
we're prepared.
In light of the novel COVID-19 disease caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, the Vital Wellness Team has prepared multiple layers of preventative and protective measures to ensure the safety of all that entire our clinic.
Patient & Practitioner Screening
All of our patients and practitioners are required to perform a COVID-19 screening every single visit to our clinic.

Accurate detailing of the COVID-19 screening form can help reinforce the safety and well-being of all the patrons at Vital Wellness Centre.
Completing this form is simple & straightforward to do. After every appointment is booked, you’ll be emailed a copy of the COVID-19 screening form in addition to the health history form (which only needs to be updated annually).
Completing the COVID-19 screening prior to your appointment is mandatory every single visit.
In addition to the screening, our clinic is equipped with a digital thermometer that may be used on our patients and practitioners when appropriate.
Physical Distancing
Whenever possible our staff and team members will attempt to physically distance 2 meters apart when possible and appropriate. Obviously in a hands-on therapeutic clinic such as ours, treatment, assessment and post-treatment aspects of appointments can rarely involve any sort of physical distancing. However, limiting contact between our administrative staff and patients and/or patients with other patients are the most applicable situations here.
Wearing Masks
Masks are considered mandatory to wear inside public spaces, and Vital Wellness Centre is no exception to that rule. All of our patients, practitioners and other staff are required to wear a mask at all times while within our clinic.
Your mask must be :
- Fully covering your nose, mouth, and chin with no gaps
- Able to be safely put on and removed
- Properly washed if it’s made of fabric or thrown into the garbage if disposable
The only exceptions that apply are in scenarios where said person is under the age of 2, has trouble breathing, or is unable to remove the mask without help – as instructed by the local government.
Ventilated Rooms
Our clinic has two entrances, one with a mall entrance – which will be open at all times while patients are still inside. Our treatment rooms also have gaps at the top, allowing air to freely flow inside and outside the room. Lastly, our ventilation systems are kept on to provide additional air flow as well.
Clinic Capacity Limitations
To avoid having an overflow of patients within the clinic at any point in time – our team will be doing our best to ensure that appointments are staggered rather than clumped together. This way, the potential for patient-patient physical interactions can be minimized, allowing for fewer opportunities of contact to occur.
Cleanliness & Sanitization
Our treatment rooms are cleaned after every single appointment with an approved disinfectant from Health Canada guidelines in areas that are potentially touched by both patient & practitioner alike. This include, but is not limited to door handles, light switches, massage tables, stools, tables, etc. Our clinic itself is cleaned daily from top to bottom to maintain the highest degree of cleanliness as possible.
We also ask that you, the patient, engage in proper hand-sanitizing practices before, during and after your clinical visits. Hand sanitizer stations are spread throughout our clinic for your convenience.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Our practitioners are equipped with medical masks, face shields, hand sanitizer, disinfectants and more equipment to ensure both yours and their safety and wellbeing. Practitioners must wear their medical masks and face shields during treatment and must sanitize both before and after treatment sessions.
Update on the Most Recent Lockdown and Declaration of the State of Emergency
Peel Public Health issued a class order under Section 22 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act to owners of workplaces to exclude probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19 from the workplace, direct them to self-isolate and implement measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the workplace.
The Ontario government has declared its second state of emergency due to the continuing high rates of COVID-19 transmission, increase in deaths, and significant strain on the health care system.
These measures include additional restrictions and a stay-at-home order, effective January 14, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., which requires everyone to stay at home except for essential purposes. This will reduce the amount of contact we have with others to limit the spread of COVID-19.
The enhanced measures are in effect for all of Ontario and are expected to be in place until at least February 11, 2021.
Refer to the Government of Ontario for more information.
Understand how these measures impact residents, businesses, and public spaces in Peel.
The Ontario government’s stay-at-home order requires everyone to remain at home with exceptions for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (which we at Vital Wellness Centre are considered), for exercise or for essential work. This order is meant to reduce our contact with others to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
In addition to limiting outings to essential trips, all businesses must ensure that any employee who can work from home, does work from home.
As the spread of COVID-19 continues in Peel, you should only have close contact with your immediate household and essential supports (such as caregivers).
Have some questions about any procedures, guidelines, etc., that we’re utilizing during the global pandemic? Let us know! You can Contact us through email, phone or even through social media about any questions you may have.
Vital Wellness Centre is a clinic that currently focuses on Massage Therapy –a health care service that is considered essential.
As such, we’re committed to helping our patients when we find that the benefits of treatment outweigh the potential risks, especially due to our extensive cleaning procedures and preventative measures.
Yes, as mandated by our local government, wearing a mask in a public space indoors is mandatory – with exception only to those who have trouble breathing, are under the age of 2, or are unable to remove their mask on their own.
Both practitioners and patients must be wearing a mask at all times while in the clinic.
If you do not have a mask, you will be asked to find one and wear one. If you cannot, you may purchase one from us.
If you’re not feeling well before an appointment, especially if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please call us and let us know. We’ll rebook you after the 14 days of your self-isolation, and you will not be charged a cancellation fee.
If you’re not feeling well before an appointment, especially if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please call us and let us know. We’ll rebook you after the 14 days of your self-isolation, and you will not be charged a cancellation fee.
If you’ve been made aware of all the precautions and preventative measure that we’re taking here – and you still feel uneasy, be sure to contact us 24 hours before your appointment, and we’ll be more than happy to rebook you when you’re more confident in undergoing therapeutic treatments.
We have decided not to reduce hours in response to the lockdown, as that gives patients the opportunity to choose a time most convenient for them. This will also decrease the probability of overlap in patient appointments, thereby decreasing opportunities for physical contact and potential transmission of any sort of diseases/illnesses between patients – keeping both our practitioners and our patients safe.
No – You will not be charged a cancellation fee if you have to cancel an appointment if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Please let us know at your earliest convenience, and we will make sure that you are not charged a cancellation fee, and will rebook you at the earliest, 14 days from your quarantining/self-isolation.